Sunday, July 12, 2009

Journey to degree complicated by ADHD-ChristianWeek Ontario Edition Article: July 2009

This is a recent article that was published by Christian Week which is a National Newspaper across Canada. I've typed out the article for you so that it is easier for friends and family to read.

Nancy Little -Special to Christian Week-July 2009 Ontario Edition:

HAMILTON, ON- Twenty-seven years after he began his studies, W. Ian Walker finally graduated from university-in part because he was finally diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivy Disorder).

Walker developed a passion for the arts during high school where he took part in all facets of the arts program. Upon graduating he began a music degree in voice and opera at the University of Western Ontario. In the summer of 1981, he attended the Young Artists Vocal Program of Boston University Tangelwood Instiute (BUTI) where he met Leonard Bernstein and other classical musicians. Later he met and worked with two icons of Canadian Classical Music, Maureen Forrester and one of the last remaining founders of the Canadian Opera Company, the late Nicholas Goldschmidt.

Walker was forced to end his studies at the end of his second year at Western because of his undiagnosed ADHD struggles. He went on to work with Orchestra London Canada for four years in various arts management positions.

“All of these wonderful arts related experiences, both vocal and choral, were such a part of my life for many years. However I felt unfilled without a University degree." say Walker. "Despite all of the ups and downs of the journey I knew that God had a plan, and I wasn't going to give it up." says Walker. "There were many moments along this journey where I just had to let God take control of my life."

"When I got the assessment results I felt an enormous load had been lifted off my shoulders." says Walker. " I knew when I was in public and high school that I was different and that my way of learning was different. Now it was like the pieces of the puzzle coming together. "Once I started making the changes the Centre of Student Development (CSD) guided me in, things drastically improved." He also credits his mother and grandmother with their faithful years of praying for him, saying "I really believe I am receiving the blessings now from those prayers."

Walker graduated from McMaster University this year with a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Film. He's chronicled his road to graduation in his new book Stirring My Soul to Sing, Overcoming Obstacles of ADHD.Walker hopes to write articles and develop future film projects about learning or physically challenged artists. He's the founder and Music Director of the Youth Choir for the Nations, a member and Director of Marketing and Communications for the Orpheus Choir of Toronto and has formed two companies Emlian Music Group & Emlian Communications Group Inc., which provides services in arts development and marketing.

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